As anyone who has ever tried to jam more than a few days worth of kit into a rucksack or beach bag will know all too well, towels are the arch enemy of packing light. For something you only need once or twice a day it takes up way too much space that would be far better used for your travel speakers, picnic, camera, mask & flippers, or dare we say it a few chilled bottles of something delicious. Not only does a trad towel hog way too much space when dry, but post plunge it gets everything else you've so carefully packed wet, and somehow weighs as much as a small child. Charming as small children can occasionally be, you don't want to be carrying one around for long. The Pocket Towel is the perfect solution. Not only does it pack up absurdly small taking up less space than a lemon, but it dries in nano seconds (figuratively speaking). Made from an ultra-fine woven micro fibre it unfolds to 80 x 40cm and its super-absorbency will soak up three times its weight in water. Better than a traditional towel in every way we can imagine, the Pocket Towel is your ultimate travel companion (with perhaps the exception of a porter) whether you're going to the beach for the day, or the Amazon for considerably longer. It's a backpacker's dream and a day-tripper's delight.

* A super absorbent, fast drying compact towel.
* The towel absorbs three times it's weight in water.
* Drying time simply consists of wringing out the water and then it is ready to use again.
* The towel compacts into a pocket-sized pouch.
* Colours of towel may vary.
* Suitable for ages 8 years+.
# Pouch: 8 x 8 x 5.5cm
# Towel: 80 x 40cm.